Ok...today the optimism started to fade... a bit!!! I was right on board with my optimistic self during Sir Ken Robinson's RSA Anime clip, feeling charged, and motivated, but as our discussions became deeper and more of the complexities we face in education surfaced, I started to feel the weight of the work. Many of us do indeed feel like our hands are tied, but all I can say is, putting one foot in front of the other, begrudgingly, just does not work for me anymore.
I really want to make sure it is understood that I do not take the conversations we are having in class as well as in small groups and with individual colleagues, lightly. As I sit and reflect on each of the conversations I had today, I began to recharge, and remember the notion of significant bite sized take aways. I have to remember that I initially rated myself as a 1.5, but am starting to feel more like a 2, mostly because of the wonderful tools we are learning to put into practice. Yes this is very technical, rather than Adaptive thinking, but this is where I am at.
This evening, I put myself into the frame of mind like Pink talks about...what if I just had fun with this and practiced browsing, and let myself explore. So, I took a couple of hours, which is a lot for a new mommy, and just played--online. It was awesome and very stimulating. By the time I got to working on my final project, it did not even feel like work, and I am thrilled at what I am putting together. It actually means something to me, and I actually want to share what I learned, which in the past, I might of hesitated with something so new.
Lastly, many past stories flitter in my mind. One in particular is lasting. I remember a scenario where I worked on a group project in an ELL class I was taking this last year. The project required some type of presentation (poster, PowerPoint...the usual.) In my group, there was this up and coming new teacher, who talked about "Prezi" and "Google Presentation." I'll never forget how most of us in that group looked at him when he tried to stray from PowerPoint.
When I process this scenario, through my current lens, it reminds me of how often we dismiss one another when we are pressed for time, and just stick to what we know. I wished I would have listened to this new teacher, and asked him to demonstrate and share. Our presentation could have been dynamo!!! Even further, I place myself in his shoes, and his audience as my staff. What will they think as I try bring them new approaches like that teacher did? Crafty PD is my vision. Of course this is still work in progress, but I feel the answers are just beneath the surface, and are attempting to rise as I dig further into the tech & "Modern" world.
Thanks for this thoughtful and deep reflection, Celina. I can tell you're a passionate and committed educator who understands the reality of our current context. No magic bullet--just heady, creative and thoughtful strategizing over time will slowly bring down the bureaucracy wall!